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Virtual conference

Tomorrow's Leaders Speak" Today Series

Tomorrow's Leaders Speak" Today Series
Tomorrow's Leaders Speak" Today Series

Time & Location

Time is TBD

Virtual conference


About the event

The United Nations Institute for  Training and Research (UNITAR), in collaboration  with Future Voices Inc., has created this webinar  series, with the aim that youths’ voices reach  those who are in a decision-making position to  effectuate real changes, and in return inspire and  motivate these young changemakers on coherent  and effective approaches that maximise their  contributions to what the world needs. This 10-month interactive learning aims to  empower, upskill, and connect participants by  providing up to 15 participants with the necessary  knowledge and skills that would permit them  to become influential leaders of the future.  

Conducted jointly between UNITAR and  Future Voices Inc. Nelson Mandela  Learning Centre, the programme will

consist of nine virtual sessions, held once a month,  in which students from various countries selected  by Future Voices Inc. will have the opportunity to  learn from, and discuss with, some of the world’s  most prominent international leaders in the fields  of Human Rights, Sustainable Development,  Multilateral Diplomacy, International Law, Peace  and Justice, and others. Each session will be  held on a different theme, which will be directly  connected to the area of expertise of each  speaker.  

The series of 9 online events will conclude with  a two-day immersive field visit to Geneva and  its international institutions. Geneva is host  to 39 international institutions, organizations,  and bodies; approximately 750 NGOs; and  178 Permanent Missions. There is a plethora of  experts that reside in Geneva, making this city  the ideal destination for a UN-related field visit.  These experts range from diplomats, special  rapporteurs, UN dignitaries, International Law  experts, private sector leaders, civil society  representatives and activists, and, on occasion,  foreign ministers and heads of state. 

The online elements of the program will  be hosted on Zoom and will be uploaded on  UNITAR’s social media platforms, as well as  UNITAR’s website. At the end of the progam,  participants who have attended at least 80% of  the programme excluding the 2-day field visit, will  receive a UNITAR-Future Voices Inc. Certificate of  Completion. In the case that an in-person event in Geneva  will not be possible, the immersion programme  will be held virtually, using UNITAR’s recognised


  • Leadership Series

    the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), in collaboration with Future Voices Inc., has created this webinar series, with the aim that youths’ voices reach those who are in a decision-making position to effectuate real changes, and in return inspire and motivate these young changemakers on coherent and effective approaches that maximise their contributions to what the world needs. This 10-month interactive learning aims to empower, upskill, and connect participant

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