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Global Citizen Strategy

Future Voices Nelson Mandela Learning Centre Shepparton For Leadership, Work And Society is introducing 3 projects that aims to discuss both international and national trends by linking them to education initiatives to enhance cross-cultural understanding. These programs will challenge participants and require them to step outside of their comfort zone. These projects are unique global programs that links participants with different agencies including our democratic institutions, business, service groups and international affairs like United Nations. These opportunities will not be offered to all, candidates will be selected on merit.

Global Programs 

"Tomorrow's Leaders Speak Today" Series 

The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), in collaboration with Future Voices Inc., has created this webinar series with the aim that youths’ voices reach those who are in a decision-making position to effectuate real changes, and in return inspire and motivate these young changemakers on coherent and effective approaches that maximise their contributions to what the world needs. This 10-month interactive learning aims to empower, upskill, and connect participants by providing up to 15 participants with the necessary knowledge and skills that would permit them to become influential leaders of the future. Conducted jointly between UNITAR and Future Voices Inc. Nelson Mandela Learning Centre, the programme will consist of nine virtual sessions, held once a month, in which students from various countries selected by Future Voices Inc. will have the opportunity to learn from, and discuss with, some of the world’s most prominent international leaders in the fields of Human Rights, Sustainable Development, Multilateral Diplomacy, International Law, Peace and Justice, and others. Each session will be held on a different theme, which will be directly connected to the area of expertise of each speaker.

If you are interested in participating in this program, fill in the application form and send this to 

Tomorrow's Leaders Speak Today 

Click View more for more information 

Nelson Mandela Leadership Summit  

Program Overview 

Future Voices Inc. is an organisation officially endorsed by Nelson Mandela Foundation in South Africa to establish Nelson Mandela Learning Centre in Shepparton. This is a yearly run program that happens on Nelson Mandela Day. This program is offered to Youths and Alumni to further develop leadership skills and expand professional Network

If you are interested in participating in this program, fill in the application form and send this to 

Click to view more below for highlights 

Connecting With The World  

Program Overview 

Future Voices Inc supports many alumni projects by facilitating information sharing, develop strategic partnership and capacity to undertake practical outcome including project proposals between business, academia, and the governments. This program offers participants with the opportunities to connect globally, create international networks. 

the program is delivered in a seminar setting. Furthermore, Future Voices Inc/ Nelson Mandel Learning Centre Project in collaboration with DRC Congo and Australia Parliamentary Friendship group along with Centre For Optimism co-hosted the first annual DRC- Australia Summit running 26 March 2021 in Greater of Shepparton City Council.


Contact Future Voice Team on the following email

Program Highlights

Click to view more below for highlights 

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